Yesterday was the first time I'd noticed the Chicken Ranch neatly tucked away behind Glasgow's Queen Street station and being heavily intae chicken at the moment, I simply had to make a quick stop and taste to see how these cunts run their ranch.
When it comes to chicken eateries first impressions are crucial. If even for a moment you doubt the credentials of the place, I'd say trust your instincts and walk away. With this place for example even just the name itself speaks volumes (Chicken Ranch..doesn't sound too appetizing) Also the logo looks more like it should be on the cheapest box of eggs from your local spar and not on the sign for a serious fast food restaurant. No surprises then that first impressions were fairly wobbly but still...I persevered. Inside the place was eerily quiet, “doesn’t seem to be too many chickens getting fried in here” were my thoughts, but throwing caution to the wind I order the simplest burger on the menu, the £2.80 fillet...was a bit of a shock at the price as I thought the place looked cheap and nasty, but this didn't reflect on their chicken pricing structure.
The burger itself was honking, plain, soggy and warm. It tasted to me like a caged chicken sat on it to keep it toasty, everything bad about a chicken burger nothing good. Left me with one of those chicken migraines. Alas my quest for fried chicken fillet perfection continues.
Grotti, 25 OCtober
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